Electronic Tendering and e-Tenders – Good or Bad?
Electronic Tendering is now the most popular method of tendering. On the face of it, e-tenders make sense as they give everyone a clear format to follow, make submission easier and help to reduce paper. Of course, some tenders are just poorly managed. But I talk to clients and tender consultants and their experience reflects my own… e-tenders range from excellent to diabolical!
What is Electronic Tendering?
Years ago, tender documents were posted to you to complete. You then posted your completed submission. If you didn’t trust the post, you would courier or hand-deliver it. As email and high-speed internet has become more widespread, most tenders are emailed to you or are online.
All bigger public sector tenders are now online. You access and submit them via a web portal. Clarification questions are all online too.
Private sector will often use email to send ITTs and receive submissions.
What’s Great About e-Tenders
Without doubt, the easiest electronic tendering method involves PDFs, Word and Excel documents.
On a public sector web portal, you create an account online which has the company’s basic details. Once you have identified a suitable opportunity, you express interest online. You can then download the ITT documents (normally PDFs, Word and Excel). The documents that you need to complete are usually Word for the quality response, SQ, form of tender etc. Pricing will be in Excel or Word depending on the complexity.
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Electronic Tendering and e-Tenders – Good or Bad? Read More »